Sunday, March 1, 2015

Today Women Are Used as Objects in the Selling World

Since the beginning of time women have been seen as subservient to their male counterpart. Women have gone from being treated as house wives to being seen as sexual objects. Today’s advertising industry thrives on the idea that sex sells. Many advertisers overplay this idea by using women as objects in selling their products. 
In the Mercedes photograph they have placed a car over the woman’s face and turned her into nothing more than a piece in the male’s sexual experience, thus completely demoralizing her. In the airplane commercial these unclothed women pictured as the focal point seem out of place and irrelevant to this advertisement. This airline is using these women as sexual objects to draw people into flying with them. Both images portray women in a demoralizing light, in which they only have value in their physical bodies, rather than anything else they could offer. Seeing these advertisements gives the female population the idea to objectify themselves. 

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